Infrastructure Civil

Fula & FNE Oilfield 23 Nos. of Wellheads Sand traps Offline/Online Service & Cleaning and Supply of Flexible Hoses
Client: Petro-Energy
Contractor: Petroneeds Services International (PSI)
Scope of Work: Scope of work included supply of hoses and Dismantling, Sludge Removal, Cleaning & repair and Re-installment by connecting through flexible hose connection.
Moga/FNE FSF Civil Works Material Supply and Construction Services
Client: Petro-Energy
Contractor: CPECC Sudan
Scope of Work: Being Long term contractor for Concreting works RESCCO has completed FSF concreting works for Moga/Baleela/Jack/Fula FSF works including Anchor blocks, Control Valve Rooms, Mid valve pits, PSS Foundation works, Wellhead Pipe supports, works for Civil pads, foundations, sleepers, Pipe Markers, fence poles, Concrete tiles for HT cable laying, Drain pits and produced water and sludge pits.

Sufyan FSF OHTL Work Construction Services
Client: Petro-Energy
Contractor: Petroneeds Services International (PSI)
Scope of Work: Scope of work includes Sufyan FSF Facility 10km OHTL Works construction services and commissioning including the Concrete Works with material supply (250 no. of Concrete Poles and 140 stay bases Casting works).

Hadida 39 Kilo Control Valve Room Construction Services
Client: Petro-Energy
Contractor: Petroneeds Services International (PSI)
Scope of Work: Scope of work includes material supply for concrete works, excavation, fabrication and casting of valve room, fabrication and erection of associated steel structure, fence installation and backfilling.