Installation of 440KVA (11/400KVA) Transformer and 11KV Over Head Transmission Line from Sufyan EPF Feeder to Sufyan Base Camp and Associated Services
Contractor: RESCCO
Scope of Work: The Scope of work for installation of 400KVA transformer and 11kv OHTL to supply power from Sufyan EPF sufyan camp will include “Detail Design, procurement, installation, testing commissioning and performance test services for Project and includes activities such as conduct the scientific survey study at site to achieve optimum quality of job, installation, testing & commissioning of 3 Phase, 11kv, 50Hz, 400 KVA outdoor, ONON cooled transformer to IEC 60076, erect the transformer on concrete basement and construct weather protection compartment, supply and perform the installation of concrete poles with appropriate digging depth to overcome moving sand problem in Sufyan, supply and install the OHTL components and lay conductor over polymer type insulators, lay the road cross cables with steel pipe sleeves and mentioned width excavation and backfilling, connect the OHTL 11kv to the switch gear in EPF using suitable termination kits and accessories as, lay and connect 3Cx70mm2, 11Kv cable from OHTL to transformer using suitable termination kits and accessories, lay and connect 1Cx70mm2 +1E 240mm2 cables from transformer to MDB using suitable termination kits and accessories, perform the necessary testing as pr international standards, provide solid earth system for M.V and L.V sides, Supply of direct material for concrete works such as Sand, Gravel, form work and required consumables.
Sufyan OGM-3 Temporary Power Plant Construction Services
Contractor: RAM
Scope of Work: To install the diesel fuel tank and piping connection for tank, power cable connection for LV and MV cable, including connecting to OHTL, facility testing, and commissioning for installed equipments, installation of 120m fence including 4m Gate, install the three decorated containers for Control and switchgear, Office and AC & DC Supply system and install the two containers for store and battery room.
Sufyan EPF Civil and E&I works construction Services
Client: Petro-Energy
Contractor: Petroneeds Services International (PSI)
Scope of Work: Scope of work includes EPF Facility Civil Works (Tanks Foundation, Equipment foundations, tower foundation, dyke wall, fence, walkways, pipe support foundations etc Including Material Supply. EPF facility Electrical, Instrumentation, Telecom & Cathodic protection works.